Monday, January 11, 2021

comfort knitting

For me any crafting is a comfort.  It's something where for just a little while I can just turn my mind off when things get hectic.  Knitting was my go to this time.  Easy and portable.
Started with yarn.  Baah! In Cherry Blossom and Periwinkle Sheep and if memory serves me it's Karin's Little Feet in Dandelion Fluff.
And here's the brim. I am making Bousta Beanie (link brings you to Shetland wool week website where the pattern is located - or there is always google) but instead of using 3 different colors I am using a solid background (the Dandelion Fluff) and a multi (Cherry Blossom) for the other two.  It will be subtle and I am liking how the two yarns look together.  Not my normal colors at all, which is a good thing.  Hopefully I will have some progress soon.  It's been a while since I've done colorwork on more then an ornament.

Stay safe

1 comment:

Aunty said...

Beautiful yarn and colors. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Keep us posted, please!

Hope you're feeling better.

love to all

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