Friday, January 31, 2020

A new normal

(I know Aunty I haven't told you anything. I just got all my test results back today. I will call soon promise)
Well every three weeks as of now I get to spend time in the hospitals infusion center getting iron pumped into me. My body seems to not want to hold onto any and well it is kinda important. As my hematologist said to me my iron counts are so low it's like doing a cross country drive on an empty tank. That's pretty much how I feel every day. And since the freaking machine is so picky about arm movement and well it takes numerous sticks to get a good vein my arm does not move for those 45 minutes. Forced reading time is so horrible :)

( book is so far very strange but I didn't want to stop reading. Time flew)

1 comment:

Aunty said...

{shaking head}

love to all

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥