Friday, March 14, 2008

Guess What!!!!!!

I just had to post this because well I am excited and well you guys will get why......My wheel is ordered!!! Yeah!!!

Thank You I just had to get that out =)

ETA: Sorry about the lack of details everyone I was was excited. I am getting an Ashford Kiwi. I ordered it from the Woolery. I also got the high speed kit, maintenance kit, and a book. It is being shipped UPS ground so hopefully I will be spinning next weekend.


Anonymous said...

Eeek! I'm so excited!

Now did you end up buying the one you were thinking about?? How soon til it arrives???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, inquiring minds want to know: when does it arrive and what does it look like and what's the plan?

Are mini-sheep next??


Jill said...

Oh, yes...more details, please! Congrats!! :)

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I am so jealous...I have been borrowing a wheel since Dec., and want one of my own SO much! Congratulations! And what kind did you order? I've been drooling over a Lendrum, myself.

AfternoonMoon said...

Yeah!!! Today is the 19th! Did the wheel show? I so look forward to seeing what you come up with for handspun. I am so green with jealousy! I guess green is good for StPatty's week!