This is Raven. Superwashed merino wool mixed with purple sari silk and sparkly stuff.
This one is Araucuna. Superwashed black merino with green sari silk and sparkly stuff.
I am thinking of spinning each one then plying them together.
I have not bought yarn for myself in a while (over a month here people) but I am definitely on a roving binge. So I guess I am making my own yarn.
There is something I have been working on over here in Qutecowgirl land and I am really getting nervous. I am almost ready to start. Only 3 people know about it. I think it is strange that I am nervous about this. I usually just dive right into something, so why am I worried? Even if it totally goes done in flames, it would not be that bad. Anyway when I have everything set I will make the big announcement.
Whoo hoo! A blog cliffhanger!
Pretty, pretty fibers. Oooohhh...
And you have certainly managed to get my curiousity up!
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