it may look like I posted twice today but the last post was meant for yesterday but I blogged it early this morning, so in my world this is todays post =)Ok most of us make resolutions this time of year. Mine are not soul changing but it is something to look at as a goal. I know, I know I have that whole 101 in 1001 going on which really I am not going to stress over finishing by November. I am really trying to not get stressed out over stuff. Stress is never good and well the more you can reduce the better overall right?
So back to what I am doing in '09 craft wise. I am going to ........(insert drum roll).......knit from my stash this year. I totally took the idea from
Toni who did it last year and is doing it again this year. She does have way more stash then I do but mine is starting to become hard to contain. It still all fits (barely) into my craft closet but for me it is too much. I want it reduced. Now of course there are some rules.
1. Rhinebeck does not count. I buy only what I can get at Rhinebeck and not in a store or on the internet.
2. Gift do not count either. Hubby is taking me yarn shopping as part of my Christmas present. Any other gift of yarn will not be turned down. (Hint mom cause you know my B-day is in march; ) )
3. If yarn is needed to compete a project it can be ordered but only that.
This only really covers yarn but I am going to try to spin up some of my roving without buying more and it would be nice to reduce my fabric too.
I have already organized my stash into a binder and I am in the process of adding it all up. Scary I tell you. I can just tell by looking at my laceweight pages I have miles of yarn. As soon as I have it tallied I will put it up into the side bar (again copying Toni) and hopefully this will give me the motivation to keep going.