So here we go in no real order
Nutcracker embroidery
Stuffed owl for D
Hello Kitty ornament (inside joke with D)
Owl for our tree
Snowflake. I made over 30 different snowflakes, i have a picture of 1. Go me =)
Minecraft Creeper (its form a video game)
Baby gift for my youngest's teacher who had a baby boy
Mj's 1st hat - that matches......
his sweater
mjs second hat
mj's 3rd hat. Another Lil' Devil hat (Have no idea why this picture is so big)
A gift for a baby girl to be modeled by my cutie
Zombie panda for D. Zombies are a big thing in this house.
Nyan Cat scarf for D. Another video game.
I think that catches me up. I didn't get everything i want to get finished finished but I am still working on them. SO Christmas will last a bit longer =)