I sewed on the handles to that bag from a few posts ago (forgot to take picture, my bad). I also finished the Secret Project. I ran into a big problem, like ran out of yarn close to the finish, but found a solution that worked great. Of course I can't really show you what I mean since well it still needs to be secret a few more days. I also weaved in the dreaded ends on the pinwheel sweater and even added the clasp!
Buddah loves it!
(yes it is blurry, but I loved the shot)
The dreaded ends
of course this does not show how high the pile is =)
My Mommy came for a visit on saturday and I showed the woman who showed me how to knit over 25 years ago how to knit socks!
Oh how I wished she lived closer. We could knit together. Really I am very happy she is knitting again. She remembered to knit and purl, so really showing her how to knit socks is very easy. Next visit is heel flap and turning the heel!
(oh and not to brag or anything she is using yarn that I dyed = ) )
My Darling Stepson (really he is the best stepson a stepmom could ask for) and I played with one of those hemp friendship bracelet kits I had laying around. The book showed all these different patterns that I remember doing with lanyard in summer camp. Who else remembers making key chains and friendship bracelets for hours? I showed him the staircase. We had a lot of fun and I gave him the rest of the kit to keep.
sniff sniff he will be a teenager next year!
Lastly for this post, I dug out my sock blocker keychain and followed the directions on how to make a sock for it.
Yeah I knit tightly.
Next time: fiber, hand spun yarn and maybe secret project?
Oh and Bellatrix is frogged. I wished I could have taken a picture of Darling Stepson's face as he watched. Priceless.
love the pinwheel sweater!!! That picture is just too cute--blurry or not!
Yay, the pinwheel is done! I was going to challenge you to finish it before I finished *mine*. That pic is the closest one I've seen of the *front* of the sweater. Does it really meet in front or is it more bolero-like?
Wonderful that you got some stuff finished! You are lucky to be able to teach your mother to knit socks, and I think I would be walking on air that she is using a yarn that you dyed! (By the way, my wheel shipped from the store 40 miles away today...)
Budda looks sooo cute. I love the sweater. all the pics were good.
thank you. worked on the sock today, pretty cool. so it's probably not hard to do the fingerless gloves either, huh?
love mom
OMG I have the same phone! Love pink! I love your pinwheel sweater, I want to make one for Lauren but need to size it bigger. She's almost 5!
Yeah, I agree, the pinwheel sweater is a marvel (like magic) and it is SO "her." Good for you for getting Mom back to knitting again. Keep after her! I'm also glad to see Stepson enjoying himself with the friendship bracelets. He could become the most popular boy in school if he gets creative!
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