I still can not talk about the secret project. There was a delay in the giving so hopefully sometime this weekend I can blog about it. I am so happy about how it turned out that I just want to tell everyone about it.
In non knitting news, do not worry fiber fun will be coming, I am offically off Prednisone. Yeah!! Happy Happy Joy Joy. Now maybe I can lose some of this steroid weight (we are talking 35 pounds - I was on it for a year) and my mood swing have already seem to be gone. My chemo was upped and depending on how I react to the side effects (think morning sickness but no baby to look forward too) I may have to move to injections. Yeah Fun!!
Okay onto fibery goodness!
This is Chocolate Liquor from Loop (gotta love Etsy) 100% bamboo. Yep I am going to try bamboo again (not on chemo this time)
This is black alpaca and wool pencil roving (also from Loop) that I was going to ply with Poison (green and purple) but when I spun it up and test plied it I didn't like the results. So I plied it onto itself.
I do not have my book so I do not have how many yards but it is around 200, worsted weight 2 ply.
So I thought of an idea. I plied Poison with black size 10 crochet cotton. Perfect.
This is what I am currently spinning. It is from Rhinebeck. I am having problems with it though. It felted in places. The roving has just sat in storage. I do not know what I am going to do. I still have 98% of it left.
I did finish something. I made baby socks and a hat for a really sweet co-worker that is having a boy in June.
(sorry about pic quality - I used my phone)
She loved it and is also the type of person to appreciate it too. (BTW I dyed the yarn)
Oh and another sign that spring is here
Baseball season has started. Skywalker's first game was last night. He looked so grown up on the field. He was nervous batting but did well. They are starting them on the t's to get them back in the swing. Oh and another thing, he is on the Yankees. We are huge Mets fans and I never thought I would see the day that Hubby would be wearing a Yankee hat (He is one of the coaches) But it all for the kids. Have a great season Skywalker.
There you are.
Glad you're kind of enjoying the weather/sunshine.
love you. mom
You are so creative! And gifting something that is not only handknit but also hand-dyed - how special is that? Glad you can quit the prednisone. My dog had to take that once and it made her so hungry she was catching crickets in the backyard and eating them!
The poison and black crochet cotton combo is gaw-jus. Can't wait to see what you'll do with it! Rock on, Arachne!
Oh, and I can't wait to see the bamboo worked up into something. How strange, bamboo fiber. The chocolate liquor looks delicious.
I remember kid's baseball games, and the hard metal bleachers, and the mosquitoes, and how cute they were, and how serious it was for them - I miss those days sometimes.
Good for you, getting off the prednisone. And I love the way you plied the poison with crochet cotton!
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