So lets begin! Here are all the WIPs I could find. (I really think it is all of them too)
A bib that I was going to be a set for a set of twins (that are now almost 1) The momma left early because of complications and no one was sure if they would make it so I stopped knitting. All it needs is a fastener. I think I could finish this. =)
Secret project - I have run into a little problem. I ran out of yarn just short of binding off. My solution may work so fingers crossed.
Milkmaid Noro - Almost to the heel on the first sock. I have not really had time to knit on this since I need the chart when I knit so I need peaceful time, which there has not been much of lately. I want to finish these socks.
Pinwheel Sweater for Buddah - The knitting is done. I just have to weave in all of the ends!!!!! Since it has been sitting this way for a long time (months people!!!!) can you tell I really do not like weaving in a gazillon ends. Must finish!!
MS3 a.k.a. Swan Lake - Love the yarn, love the pattern. RA got in the way last summer and I was unable to knit much of it. I am thinking this is clue one. I do not know what to do.
Adamas Shawl - I am using yarn I purchased in Rhinebeck and I like the pattern and the yarn. It got pushed to the side. I want to finish it
Mini Jesse's Flames - This is for my son and it was suppose to be for last christmas. It got lost in the shuffle and craziness of knitting for christmas.
I have no idea what these were suppose to be. Any Ideas?
I made this from the Happy Hooker book. It just needs lining.
Top down Cardi for Drama Girl (my oldest girl) The one sleeve is almost done then I need to do the other sleeve then the body. Another sweater that got pushed to the side by christmas knitting.
This was suppose to be Hubby's gift for christmas 2 christmases ago. I was on a tight budget and I had to used Red Heart Acrylic. The colors are perfect. I just need a few more inches for the back of the pillow. It is also my first colorwork project.
I want to finish it for my Superman.
Black bag for my Aunt I. This is the second go around (first one was frogged) This will get finished.
Current bag knitting. Scroll sock (almost done with the first sock) and another washcloth (number 4) Most likely both will get done
Bellatrix socks - I think this will get frogged. My eyes are having a hard time with the blackness. I am also not liking the fit either.
Mystic Light - I haven't touched it since clue one. I haven't had the time. I want to finish it, I am loving it.
So there you go 16 WIPs. How long do you think it will take to finish the ones I want to? I really do not want this many WIPs laying around so I guess I need to work on some of them.
could the orangy/redish/yellow thingies be fingerless gloves?
take your time, one thing at a time and all will get done.
love you mom
That's quite a list, but now that you have them all pulled out it sounds like you want to finish most of them. So I'm sure you will!! Sometimes you just need to see them and remember how much you liked them. :)
I've been planning to have a go at my WIPs soon too. I think I'm going to frog quite a few.
Here is my solution for avoiding a bazillion ends to weave in: knit them in as you go. Sometimes this is not possible because of color changes, but usually you can knit at least one of them in. If knitting two ends in (like with my red sweater), I do them separately so there isn't a big lump. This advice is too late for the pinwheel, but try it sometime. And you are braver than me re WIPs - most of mine are bag linings and I don't even want to look at them!
Not TOO bad, really. Some of them will finish up quickly. I love the Superman pillow, even if it is Red Heart Acrylic. My DH would adore it, too. I may have to do somthing like that for him (only not in Red Heart; it hurts my fingers to work with it.) Have fun, and pat yourself on the back when you get one done!
WIP stashes are as important as yarn stashes: when their time comes up, you can grab the one and go and be done in half the time as if you'd started from scratch. Right?
Of course, I find ONLY 16 WIPs pretty admirable. :) Maybe I'll get DOWN to 16 by the end of the month....?
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